New Home Construction

Make it stand out.

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Open Design

In residential design, open plan or open concept describes the elimination of barriers such as walls and doors that traditionally separated distinct functional areas, such as combining the kitchen, living room, and dining room into a single great room. Frank Lloyd Wright was one of the early advocates for open plan design in houses. Wright's designs were based on a centralized kitchen open to other public spaces of the home, allowing for a flow to entertaining.

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Simplistic Beauty

Less is more. Shape prevails. It’s all about highlighting the geometry in the architecture of the house. Materials should also be low key and non-hazardous. Minimalism is, after all, all about creating art out of the simplest materials.

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Natural Light

Natural light is a dynamic a tool for expressing the quality of space. In a digital age that runs 24/7, daylight is an antidote to our increasing alienation from nature.

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Family Oasis

Nothing is better than going home to family and eating good food and relaxing. Home means an enjoyable, happy place where you can live, laugh and learn. It's somewhere where you are loved, respected, and cared for. Create the perfect environment to enjoy family for years to come.